Retail Fashion Community
- Our neighborhood community of Friends, Family, Partners, Torrance Chamber Members and Associates.
- Has all come together and bonded with Ailime DeSigns.
- To participate in celebrating our Grand Opening Event.
Five Essential Ingredients- for fulfilling our goals, up-rooted values, trust, and commitment to interpersonal connection with great customer service.
- The public has a fashion common interest, while sharing some of the same styles, trends, and fashion ideas.
- This indeed, is an important component and huge source of social connection.
- Also, a sense of belonging to a group of wonderful people, interacting together, and bringing happiness to the moment.
- Participating in “Shop Talk” as you work your way through, all the excitement of our many fabulous collections.
- Talking about your experience through written reviews or our social media platform.
Don’t Be A Stranger! take your time and discover the beauty of our loving community of friends.
- Remember our trust depends on you the customer.
- We validate your thoughts and opinions.
- Which continues to shape and mold us to perfection.
- Keeping us focus, and active on our toes, as we continue growing to better ourselves.
- Ailime DeSigns, wants you to share your shopping experience.
- Tell a friend or family member, where you got those styles from.
- We are glad you found us…
Happy Shopping!!